Basey in Yahoo News!

I was really happy to read an article from Yahoo and it was about my hometown, Basey in Samar.

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Though the article focus more on the trip to Calbiga it is still overlwhelming as a Basaynon that people from other places appreciate the beauty of our culture and Basey per se as an eco-tourism destination.

The article gives emphasis on the creativeness of Basey’s banig weavers. It is a fact that the quality of mats that the town is offering is really world class.  The writer of the article went to Barangay Basiao which is in the southern point in Samar. Going to Barangay Basia is an hour and half travel from Tacloban City.

It would be very great to see how the mats are made because the location of making the mats itself is greatly atypical because they are making it inside a cave. Under the cool shelter, women from the barangay come together to weave mats and they are using dried and dyed tikog grass for the mat. Tikog grass should be weaved in a cool place because it turns brittle and breaks easily in warm temperature.

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Weaving indeed entails patience and attention to details, as the traveller said “The weavers deftly intertwine every strand of grass, following established patterns to craft intricate designs. As the work is repetitive and tiresome, the weavers in all likelihood gather and interact to break the monotony.”

People from Basey are really hospitable and loved to help people who want to learn their tradition just like weaving. The craftsmanship of the weavers is commendable and praiseworthy.


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